Welcome to my """website"""!

- Introduction! -

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name:Gotta watch Last Exile to get the full picture
medium:but every aspect of this guy just vibes with me. Carefree attitude but expressing emotion when it's meaningful to him. He does what he wants and gets great character building later on

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People on the internet diagnose this guy with a bunch of mental problems, but I just diagnose him with funny little man. Reading some things that this guy did is what initially got me interested in playing danganronpa, and man was he the highlight of the second game.

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A lot of parts about Teto are pretty cool; her role as not a vocaloid, but still her rather small but interested fans that can make some really great music with her. Clumsy girl that's always positive, and great voice

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I watched the anime instead of the game, so I've been told that I haven't gotten the full Adachi experience, but reguardless he's a very funny little guy that does some very funny little things.
I mean just look at him he's so funny đź—ż

I am the great Comedian. You may know me from Comedy™.

Or from page 2862 562 208 of the most viewed neocities websites (completely undeserved).

I created this great human achievement to not have to learn for my law exams. Which I - unsuprisingly - completely bombed, by the way! :)

If you want to tell me how terrible this creation is, you can do that here.

Before you go: I would check out that music section, if I were you!

- Disclaimer -

Please feel completely free to steal my code, but for everything else individual consultation with me would be greatly appreciated.

If I stole anything from you and you want to be credited, please forgive me and contact me so I can credit you.


- Introduction! -

I am the great Comedian. You may know me from Comedy™.

Or from page 2862 562 208 of the most viewed neocities websites (completely undeserved).

I created this great human achievement to not have to learn for my law exams. Which I - unsuprisingly - completely bombed, by the way! :)

If you want to tell me how terrible this creation is, you can do that here.

Before you go: I would check out that music section, if I were you!

- Disclaimer -

Please feel completely free to steal my code, but for everything else individual consultation with me would be greatly appreciated.

If I stole anything from you and you want to be credited, please forgive me and contact me so I can credit you.


- Introduction! -

I am the great Comedian. You may know me from Comedy™.

Or from page 2862 562 208 of the most viewed neocities websites (completely undeserved).

I created this great human achievement to not have to learn for my law exams. Which I - unsuprisingly - completely bombed, by the way! :)

If you want to tell me how terrible this creation is, you can do that here.

Before you go: I would check out that music section, if I were you!

- Disclaimer -

Please feel completely free to steal my code, but for everything else individual consultation with me would be greatly appreciated.

If I stole anything from you and you want to be credited, please forgive me and contact me so I can credit you.


- Introduction! -

I am the great Comedian. You may know me from Comedy™.

Or from page 2862 562 208 of the most viewed neocities websites (completely undeserved).

I created this great human achievement to not have to learn for my law exams. Which I - unsuprisingly - completely bombed, by the way! :)

If you want to tell me how terrible this creation is, you can do that here.

Before you go: I would check out that music section, if I were you!

- Disclaimer -

Please feel completely free to steal my code, but for everything else individual consultation with me would be greatly appreciated.

If I stole anything from you and you want to be credited, please forgive me and contact me so I can credit you.


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- My Language Skills -